Friday, October 9, 2009

Hours Come With A Direct Effect:

So I am fully aware that the title of this blog is a little weird, (I did it on purpose.) Yesterday I had an assignment to do a Bible study of Grace and Mercy. Well I did. I always thought that I was a fast worker until I realized that working through the Bible takes some time and effort. Who knew? But it wasn't until a few hours into working that I realized I had been working in the Bible for a few hours. I thought to myself, "Wow, this has taken me a long time and I looked up two words in the concordance. Perhaps Grace and Mercy might be two of the most important words in the Bible for me today, right now, this one moment in time." It was a funny thought because like most things it sent my mind on a worldwind of memories. I have to love the fact that I remember almost everything, sometimes I fake like I don't though. But I started thinking of all the things that I had wasted hours of my life doing. Some of the things that came to mind made me very sad, because it was in that moment of remembering those things, I realized how far away from God I had allowed myself to get. I realized that I had false idols and would spend hours and hours with those things, hours of my life that I can't get back, and hours of my life that have put me and kept me where I am at. So I spent hours in the Bible yesterday and it had a direct effect for the rest of the day. I would start thinking at random times of Bible verses instead of other thoughts, I would consider Grace and Mercy and realize that I have no clue the extent of how great God's grace and mercy for us is. Basically, the things that I would fill my time and energy with in the past were the most destructive things I could have possibly done for myself. Now that I am attempting to rise above all of that and get pulled out of the state that I have been in for so long, it hit me like a punch to the face, (It amazes me that it took so long for me to realize this, actually I am quite embarrassed by it,) but I realized that in order to rise above it, I have to counteract the hours I spent dwelling in it with hours dwelling with God. HOLY COW! I know, I know, "wow she's a genius" I am. I just have my moments. I love the direct effect of being with God. That is what I plan on doing, maybe not hours everyday, but at least some time with Him will be more beneficial than hours with the crap of society.

You all sleep well, sleep fast, sleep long, and sleep with Sweet Dreams!

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