Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Society Is A Courtroom Filled With Judges.

Today's society seems to mimic that of a television courtroom drama. The topic of tonight: Judgment. Everybody is so geared up and ready to judge everyone else. I'TS SICK! We get judged by what we look like, by what we don't look like, by the type of car we drive, and by what kind of job we have. We live in a world filled with judges. We judge people with a look, or a hurtful comment, we judge people based on appearances. What would happen if we all stopped judging and got down to the real people? AMAZING THINGS I'M GUESSING. It is hard today to live in our society. I don't know about you but I know for a fact that our parents did not have to go through some of the things we are going through. Seriously back then seems like a cake walk to today. When I look at myself and realize how badly I judge, not only myself, but other people, it makes me really sad, but intrigued at the influence that society does have on us. After, September 11, how many of us would walk through the airports and be suspicious of a middle eastern person? How many of us see homeless people and assume that they are struggling drug addicts or alcoholics, who, if we give them money are going to waste it on those things? How many of us see hispanic people and judge them for trying to have a better life? Isn't that what America is or was? The land of opportunity! Well the land of judgment would be more like it. We all just need to breathe and stop taking everyone and everything so seriously, it really isn't that important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and what if we replaced judgement with mercy and compassion? I think each individual frames the world he or she lives in - and by living a life of mercy rather than judgement, what a wonderful world that would be!!